Cockroaches: Cockroaches come in many sizes but we can all agree that they are creepy and disgusting.  Unfortunately, they love us because we unknowingly provide them with a source of food, water, and shelter better than anything can in nature. Different types of roaches require different professional treatments. Cockroaches can be divided into two groups – indoor breeding and outdoor breeding types. The German Roach and the American Roach (sometimes referred to as Palmetto Bugs, Water Roaches and Flying Roaches) are the two most commonly found species of cockroaches in our central Texas homes. Both of these species breed very well inside of a home.

The German Roach has adapted to survive in between walls, in closets and cabinets, and they multiply in large numbers very quickly. They often can be found in cluttered and dirty kitchens; however, even well-kept homes can harbor German Roaches due to the fact that they can be brought inside with grocery bags, shipped items, and from neighboring homes.

The American cockroach is large and can fly. They primarily live and breed outdoors, but will also breed indoors if they can find a consistent source of water and humidity. Most often they find their way into homes through window and door openings, but also come in through our attics, or crawl spaces beneath the house. Two examples of outdoor breeding roaches are the Oriental Roach and the Smokey Brown roach. These cockroaches live and breed in mulch and under wood piles, rocks and sheds. Cold or hot weather will drive many of them into our homes as they seek water and shelter. They cannot survive for long in the low humid air produced by central AC equipment, and therefore these types of roaches are only a problem when their populations explode outdoors and become an unsightly nuisance around gardens and swimming pools.

Serious infestations require multiple treatments over time. North Shore Pest Control offers customized solutions for cockroach elimination. Because we use the newer classes of insecticides for cockroach control, the pests are not chased from one area to the next. Instead, they are steadily killed where they eat and breed. Also used are insect growth hormones, baits and desiccant dusts which guarantee excellent control of cockroaches. North Shore Pest Control will treat every single room and closet, as well as the attic and outside perimeter of your home. We also treat your entire yard several times during the year which helps keep outside roach populations under control.

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